From 2006 till date:
-Runner Up, National Bengali Debate Championship 2006, Organized by Asian University ( team consisted of ZR, Sarajit Baral, Asif Newaz.
-Champion, Dialy Star Viquarunnesa National English Debate Championship 2006, Organized by Viquarunnesa Debate Club (team consisted of Mahfuz Saddique, ZR and Asif Newaz.)
-Participated in All Asians Inter-Varsity Debating Championship 2006, in Malaysia (team consisted of ZR, Sheemtana Shameem, Asif Newaz ; adjudication panel from NSU Afreen Hossain Barsha, Sarajit Baral)
-Runner Up, Mojo NSU Inter-University Debate Competition (Bangla) 2006, inhouse annual event of NSUDC. (team consisted of Afreen Hossain Barsha, Nayeem Kashem and Sinha Ibna Humayun)
-Champion, Mojo NSU Inter-University Debate Championship (English) 2006, (team consisted of Sheemtana Shameem, ZR, Asif Newaz, Syed Ahmed Afwan*….. Afwan was unable to do the final because of his sickness)
-Finalist, Prime Bank Notre Dame College Inter- Club Debate Championship 2006, organized by Notre Dame College Debating Club ( NSUDC had two teams in the finals, team 1 consisted of Sheemtana Shameem, Nehreen I Khan and Sinha Ibna Humanyun; team 2 consisted of Nayeem Kashem, Syed Ahmed Afwan and Wahidul Bari)
- Champion, BRAC University Business Debate Competition 2006, organized by BRAC university debate club, (team consisted of Mahfuz Saddique, ZR, Asif Newaz)
-Participated in Worlds University Debate Championship 2007, in Vancouver, Canada. (Participants: ZR and Sheemtana Shameem; Sharajit Baral adjudicated on NSU's behalf)
-Participated in All Asians Inter-Varsity Debating Championship 2007, organized by Chang Aung University, South Korea (Team consisted of Sheemtana Shameem, Nayeem Kashem, Nehreen I Khan; Sinha Ibna Humayun adjudicated and Broke in the competition)
- Champion, Uro Cola NSU Inter- University Debate Competition (English) 2007, inhouse annual event (team consisted of Nayeem Kashem, Syed Ahmed Afwan and Sinha Ibna Humayun)
-Runner Up, Daily Star Viquarunnesa National English Debate Competition 2007, organized by Viquarunnesa Debate Club (team consisted of Nayeem Kashem, Syed Ahmed Afwan and Sinha Ibna Humayun)
-Finalist in Uttara University Inter-Club Debating Championship (in a BP format tournament the teams consisted of Ayedeet Arefin, Alina Amatullah, Nazia Manzoor, Farheen Rahman, Wahidul Bari and many others.)
-BROKE as the FIRST Bangladeshi team in ANY international tournament at Rhetoric 07 organized by Delhi University. (Breaking team consisted of Sheemtana Shameem, Nayeem Kashem, Sinha Ibna Humayun)
-Champion, EWU Inter-Universtiy Debating Championship (Bengali) (champion team was Nayeem Kashem, Sinha Ibna Humayun, other teams of the tournament consisted of Wahidul Bari, Farhan Tishan, Chayan, Chondon, Musfiq Wahed Rusho)
-Finalist, EWU Inter-Varsity Debating Championship (English)
(NSUDC had two teams, NSU A was Wahidul Bari and Farhan Tishan, NSU B was Nayeem Kashem and Sinha Ibna Humayun; other teams of the tournament consisted of Ayedeet Arefin, Nazia Manzoor, Paromita Islam, Mahnaz Reza, Farheen Rahman, Mitul Mahboob, Alina Amatulla)
-Broke for the FIRST time EVER in the ESL category of World Universities Debating Championship, hosted by Assumption University, Thailand. (breaking team was
NSU C consisting Nayeem Kashem and Sinha Ibna Humayun ; other teams for the tournament were Mahnaz Reza and Paromita Islam (NSU B), Sheemtana Shameem and Wahidul Bari (NSU A)
-Champion, BUET Inter-Varsity Debating Championship 2008 (champion team consisted of Sheemtana Shemeem, Nayeem Kashem, Wahidul Bari; other teams from NSU had Alina Amatullah, Nazia Manzoor and Farheen Rahman). Best Debater of the tournament: Wahidul Bari.
-Champion, AIUB Inter-Varsity Debating Week, organized by American International University of Bangladesh. (Champion team consisted of Nayeem Kashem and Sinha Ibna Humayun; other Finalist team consisted of Mahnaz Reza, Sheemtana Shameem)
-Champion, Aktel Dristy Debate Championship (Champion team consisted of Sinha Ibna Humayun and Nayeem Kashem; other Finalist team was Paromita Islam and Shameen Ishrak Khan)
-ZIA hall debate competition 08- semifinalist. team consisted Tanvir Chandon, Syed Iftekhar Towheed, Tanzila B. Chowdhury Trisha.
-Quater finalist- AIUB Inter-Varsity Debating Week, organized by American International University of Bangladesh. team consisted of Tanvir Chandon, Syed Iftekhar Towheed, Tanzila B. Chowdhury Trisha.
-Quater finalist- Fozotulunessa inter varsity debate competition '08. team consited of Syed Iftekhar Towheed, Faiek Haque, Chayan Kumar Borua.
-Participated at "Rhetoric 08", organized by Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi. Team consisted of: Samin Ishrak Islam, Naveed Adnan, Syed Iftekhar Towheed. other noted achievements of the tournament: Wahidul Bari, Breaking Adjudicators
Mushfiq Wahed Rusho, Tab Director
Sinha Ibna Humayun, Deputy Chief Adjudicator
-Champion, Freshjel NSU Debate Festival. Champion team consisted of Sheemtana Shameem, Wahidul Bari, Nayeem Kashem.
Nayeem Kashem was the second best speaker of the tournament.
-Semi-Finalist, NUJS International Parliamentary Debate, organized by National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata, HIGHEST ever international achievement for any Bangladeshi team. Team consisted of Sheemtana Shameem, Nayeem Kashem, Sinha Ibna Humayun.
Sinha Ibna Humayun was among the Top 10 speaker of the tournament.
-Champion, 1st Mohsin Hall English Debate Championship 09, organized by Mohsin Hall Debate Club. Champion team consisted of Nayeem Kashem, Sinha Ibna Humayun
Runner up team, Sheemtana Shameem and Wahidul Bari
-Champion, Stamford InterVarsity Debate Championship 08. Champion team consisted of Nayeem Kashem & Sinha Ibna Humayun.
Noted achievements of the tournament:
Best speaker of the tournament-Wahidul Bari
Best speaker of the final- Nayeem Kashem
Best public speaker- Sinha Ibna Humayun
-Champion, IUT National Debating Championship
Champion- NSU 6, consisting Nayeem Kashem and Sinha Ibna Humayun
Second Runner-up- NSU 5, Sheemtana Shameem & Wahidul Bari
Other Breaking teams were
NSU2- Samin Ishrak Islam & Syed Iftekhar Towheed
NSU4- Nabil Azad Chowdhury & Jasia Haider
Four out of the Eight breaking teams wre from NSU
-Champion, UIU Inter-Club English Debate Championship
Champion team consisted Nafis Alam & Farhan Bin Zaki
NSU had three out of four teams in the Finals. The other teams were
-Jasia Haider & Hasan
- Mehedi & Saad
-Champion, Prime Bank NDC Debating Championship
Champion team consisted Nayeem Kashem and Faria
The NSU team in the Final consisted- Syed Iftekhar Towheed & Sameen Ishrak Islam.
-Champion,Stamford Nationals 2009, Wahidul Bari and Jasia. Runner up: Nayeem Kashem and Naveed Adnan. 2nd Runner up: Sinha Humayun and Hasan. Best Debater: Hasan.
-Worlds 2010: NSU A : Wahidul Bari and Naveed Adnan ended with 12 points. Wahidul Bari scored 653 points: Best speaker points achieved by any debater @ WUDC from North South University ( previous best : Faria Sarwat: 651; MMU Worlds '05)
-Semi Finalist, Drishty Chittagong Debate Festival, Bengali 2009, Team consisted of Nasir Uddin, Aumit Raihan, Shovon Islam
-Semi Finalist, Shah Jalal University Inter-University Debating Championship 2009, team consisted of Nasir Uddin, Aumit Raihan, Nayeem Islam
-Breaking Team, 1st Asian BP Debate Championship
Breaking Team- Nayeem Kashem & Sinha Ibna Humayun
-Semi Finalist, Viqurunnesa Inter-Club Debating Championship 2010, Team consisted of Naveed M Adanan, Nasir Uddin and Aumit Raihan
-Semi Finalist, Rajshahi University (BFDF) Inter-Varsity Debate Festival 2010, Team consisted of Nasir Uddin, Aumit Raihan, Samin Israk Islam
- Champion, NSU Debate Festival 2010, Champion team consisted of Wahidul Bari, Naveed M Adnan and Sinha Ibna Humayun
Noted achievements of the tournaments were:
ALL 4 NSU team breaking in the Elimination Rounds
The best speaker of the tournament Wahidul Bari
Second Best Speaker of the tournament Syeda Nazifa
- Champion, Notredame College Debating Championship 2010, Team Consisted of Naveed Adnan and Syed Iftekhar Towheed. Naveed Adnan was awarded the best speaker of the tournament.
- Breaking Team, 2nd Asian BP Debating Championship, Malaysia. Team Consisted of Wahidul Bari and Naveed Adnan
- Champion, UIU Inter University Debating Championship,Team Consisted of Nabil Azad Chowdhury and Mehedi Bin Samad. Mehedi Bin Samad was the Best Speaker of the Final.
Noted achievements of this tournament-
1) For the first time in the history of Bangladeshi Debating, ALL for teams in the Final were from same university. The tournament saw an ALL NSU Final.
2) Runner Up team consisted of Jasia Haider and Naveed Adnan
3) 2nd Runner Up team consisted of Syed Iftekhar Towheed and Saad Bin Amzad
4) 3rd Runner Up team consisted of Faria Ahmed Zaara and Kaisar Kabir
- Champion, SSD-TECH BUETDC National Debate Championship, Team Consisted of Syed Iftekhar Towheed and Saad Bin Amzad. Syed Iftekhar Towheed & Saad Bin Amzad were joint Best Speakers of the Tournament
- Champion, Dristy Inter-University Debate Tournament. Team consisted of Syed Iftekhar Towheed and Kaisar Kabir. Kaisar Kabir was the Best Speaker of the Final.
- Champion, IDB Debate Championship 2011 (Bangla). NSU won a Bengali trophy after 3 years. The team consisted of Naveed Adnan, Aumit Rayhan & Nasir Uddin
- Champion, TIB National Debate Championship 2011 (Bangla). The glory streak continued for Aumit Rayhan when he won the TIB Debate Championship. This was an individual debate tournament.
- Champion, ATN Bangla Debate Championship 2011 (Bangla). This heavily competitive and reputed tournament ran for a year and NSU team defeated 6 of the most prestigious Bengali debate teams of Bangladesh to reach to the Finals. The Champion team consisted of Aumit Rayhan, Syed Iftekhar Towheed & Nasir Uddin
- Champion, IUB Nationals Debating Tournament 2011. Champion team consisted of Nabil Azad Chowdhury, Jasia Haidar & Naveed M Adnan. The Runner Up team was also from NSU, consisting Faria Ahmed Zaara, Kaisar Kabir and Adnan Javed. Kaisar Kabir was the Best Speaker of the Final.
- Champion, East West University Debating Spree 2011. Champion team consisted of Saad Bin Amjad and Kaisar Kabir. The other NSU team in the Final was Mubarrat Wassey and Naveed M Adnan. This was the FIRST time NSU won the ENGLISH version of EWU tournament.
- Champion, Drishty Debating Championship 2012. The team consisted of Syed Iftekhar Towheed and Naveed M Adnan. This was the first time any Bangladeshi University successfully defended a local trophy 3 years in a row. Syed Iftekhar Towheed was part of all three winning teams in 2010, 2011 and 2012.
-Runner Up, National Bengali Debate Championship 2006, Organized by Asian University ( team consisted of ZR, Sarajit Baral, Asif Newaz.
-Champion, Dialy Star Viquarunnesa National English Debate Championship 2006, Organized by Viquarunnesa Debate Club (team consisted of Mahfuz Saddique, ZR and Asif Newaz.)
-Participated in All Asians Inter-Varsity Debating Championship 2006, in Malaysia (team consisted of ZR, Sheemtana Shameem, Asif Newaz ; adjudication panel from NSU Afreen Hossain Barsha, Sarajit Baral)
-Runner Up, Mojo NSU Inter-University Debate Competition (Bangla) 2006, inhouse annual event of NSUDC. (team consisted of Afreen Hossain Barsha, Nayeem Kashem and Sinha Ibna Humayun)
-Champion, Mojo NSU Inter-University Debate Championship (English) 2006, (team consisted of Sheemtana Shameem, ZR, Asif Newaz, Syed Ahmed Afwan*….. Afwan was unable to do the final because of his sickness)
-Finalist, Prime Bank Notre Dame College Inter- Club Debate Championship 2006, organized by Notre Dame College Debating Club ( NSUDC had two teams in the finals, team 1 consisted of Sheemtana Shameem, Nehreen I Khan and Sinha Ibna Humanyun; team 2 consisted of Nayeem Kashem, Syed Ahmed Afwan and Wahidul Bari)
- Champion, BRAC University Business Debate Competition 2006, organized by BRAC university debate club, (team consisted of Mahfuz Saddique, ZR, Asif Newaz)
-Participated in Worlds University Debate Championship 2007, in Vancouver, Canada. (Participants: ZR and Sheemtana Shameem; Sharajit Baral adjudicated on NSU's behalf)
-Participated in All Asians Inter-Varsity Debating Championship 2007, organized by Chang Aung University, South Korea (Team consisted of Sheemtana Shameem, Nayeem Kashem, Nehreen I Khan; Sinha Ibna Humayun adjudicated and Broke in the competition)
- Champion, Uro Cola NSU Inter- University Debate Competition (English) 2007, inhouse annual event (team consisted of Nayeem Kashem, Syed Ahmed Afwan and Sinha Ibna Humayun)
-Runner Up, Daily Star Viquarunnesa National English Debate Competition 2007, organized by Viquarunnesa Debate Club (team consisted of Nayeem Kashem, Syed Ahmed Afwan and Sinha Ibna Humayun)
-Finalist in Uttara University Inter-Club Debating Championship (in a BP format tournament the teams consisted of Ayedeet Arefin, Alina Amatullah, Nazia Manzoor, Farheen Rahman, Wahidul Bari and many others.)
-BROKE as the FIRST Bangladeshi team in ANY international tournament at Rhetoric 07 organized by Delhi University. (Breaking team consisted of Sheemtana Shameem, Nayeem Kashem, Sinha Ibna Humayun)
-Champion, EWU Inter-Universtiy Debating Championship (Bengali) (champion team was Nayeem Kashem, Sinha Ibna Humayun, other teams of the tournament consisted of Wahidul Bari, Farhan Tishan, Chayan, Chondon, Musfiq Wahed Rusho)
-Finalist, EWU Inter-Varsity Debating Championship (English)
(NSUDC had two teams, NSU A was Wahidul Bari and Farhan Tishan, NSU B was Nayeem Kashem and Sinha Ibna Humayun; other teams of the tournament consisted of Ayedeet Arefin, Nazia Manzoor, Paromita Islam, Mahnaz Reza, Farheen Rahman, Mitul Mahboob, Alina Amatulla)
-Broke for the FIRST time EVER in the ESL category of World Universities Debating Championship, hosted by Assumption University, Thailand. (breaking team was
NSU C consisting Nayeem Kashem and Sinha Ibna Humayun ; other teams for the tournament were Mahnaz Reza and Paromita Islam (NSU B), Sheemtana Shameem and Wahidul Bari (NSU A)
-Champion, BUET Inter-Varsity Debating Championship 2008 (champion team consisted of Sheemtana Shemeem, Nayeem Kashem, Wahidul Bari; other teams from NSU had Alina Amatullah, Nazia Manzoor and Farheen Rahman). Best Debater of the tournament: Wahidul Bari.
-Champion, AIUB Inter-Varsity Debating Week, organized by American International University of Bangladesh. (Champion team consisted of Nayeem Kashem and Sinha Ibna Humayun; other Finalist team consisted of Mahnaz Reza, Sheemtana Shameem)
-Champion, Aktel Dristy Debate Championship (Champion team consisted of Sinha Ibna Humayun and Nayeem Kashem; other Finalist team was Paromita Islam and Shameen Ishrak Khan)
-ZIA hall debate competition 08- semifinalist. team consisted Tanvir Chandon, Syed Iftekhar Towheed, Tanzila B. Chowdhury Trisha.
-Quater finalist- AIUB Inter-Varsity Debating Week, organized by American International University of Bangladesh. team consisted of Tanvir Chandon, Syed Iftekhar Towheed, Tanzila B. Chowdhury Trisha.
-Quater finalist- Fozotulunessa inter varsity debate competition '08. team consited of Syed Iftekhar Towheed, Faiek Haque, Chayan Kumar Borua.
-Participated at "Rhetoric 08", organized by Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi. Team consisted of: Samin Ishrak Islam, Naveed Adnan, Syed Iftekhar Towheed. other noted achievements of the tournament: Wahidul Bari, Breaking Adjudicators
Mushfiq Wahed Rusho, Tab Director
Sinha Ibna Humayun, Deputy Chief Adjudicator
-Champion, Freshjel NSU Debate Festival. Champion team consisted of Sheemtana Shameem, Wahidul Bari, Nayeem Kashem.
Nayeem Kashem was the second best speaker of the tournament.
-Semi-Finalist, NUJS International Parliamentary Debate, organized by National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata, HIGHEST ever international achievement for any Bangladeshi team. Team consisted of Sheemtana Shameem, Nayeem Kashem, Sinha Ibna Humayun.
Sinha Ibna Humayun was among the Top 10 speaker of the tournament.
-Champion, 1st Mohsin Hall English Debate Championship 09, organized by Mohsin Hall Debate Club. Champion team consisted of Nayeem Kashem, Sinha Ibna Humayun
Runner up team, Sheemtana Shameem and Wahidul Bari
-Champion, Stamford InterVarsity Debate Championship 08. Champion team consisted of Nayeem Kashem & Sinha Ibna Humayun.
Noted achievements of the tournament:
Best speaker of the tournament-Wahidul Bari
Best speaker of the final- Nayeem Kashem
Best public speaker- Sinha Ibna Humayun
-Champion, IUT National Debating Championship
Champion- NSU 6, consisting Nayeem Kashem and Sinha Ibna Humayun
Second Runner-up- NSU 5, Sheemtana Shameem & Wahidul Bari
Other Breaking teams were
NSU2- Samin Ishrak Islam & Syed Iftekhar Towheed
NSU4- Nabil Azad Chowdhury & Jasia Haider
Four out of the Eight breaking teams wre from NSU
-Champion, UIU Inter-Club English Debate Championship
Champion team consisted Nafis Alam & Farhan Bin Zaki
NSU had three out of four teams in the Finals. The other teams were
-Jasia Haider & Hasan
- Mehedi & Saad
-Champion, Prime Bank NDC Debating Championship
Champion team consisted Nayeem Kashem and Faria
The NSU team in the Final consisted- Syed Iftekhar Towheed & Sameen Ishrak Islam.
-Champion,Stamford Nationals 2009, Wahidul Bari and Jasia. Runner up: Nayeem Kashem and Naveed Adnan. 2nd Runner up: Sinha Humayun and Hasan. Best Debater: Hasan.
-Worlds 2010: NSU A : Wahidul Bari and Naveed Adnan ended with 12 points. Wahidul Bari scored 653 points: Best speaker points achieved by any debater @ WUDC from North South University ( previous best : Faria Sarwat: 651; MMU Worlds '05)
-Semi Finalist, Drishty Chittagong Debate Festival, Bengali 2009, Team consisted of Nasir Uddin, Aumit Raihan, Shovon Islam
-Semi Finalist, Shah Jalal University Inter-University Debating Championship 2009, team consisted of Nasir Uddin, Aumit Raihan, Nayeem Islam
-Breaking Team, 1st Asian BP Debate Championship
Breaking Team- Nayeem Kashem & Sinha Ibna Humayun
-Semi Finalist, Viqurunnesa Inter-Club Debating Championship 2010, Team consisted of Naveed M Adanan, Nasir Uddin and Aumit Raihan
-Semi Finalist, Rajshahi University (BFDF) Inter-Varsity Debate Festival 2010, Team consisted of Nasir Uddin, Aumit Raihan, Samin Israk Islam
- Champion, NSU Debate Festival 2010, Champion team consisted of Wahidul Bari, Naveed M Adnan and Sinha Ibna Humayun
Noted achievements of the tournaments were:
ALL 4 NSU team breaking in the Elimination Rounds
The best speaker of the tournament Wahidul Bari
Second Best Speaker of the tournament Syeda Nazifa
- Champion, Notredame College Debating Championship 2010, Team Consisted of Naveed Adnan and Syed Iftekhar Towheed. Naveed Adnan was awarded the best speaker of the tournament.
- Breaking Team, 2nd Asian BP Debating Championship, Malaysia. Team Consisted of Wahidul Bari and Naveed Adnan
- Champion, UIU Inter University Debating Championship,Team Consisted of Nabil Azad Chowdhury and Mehedi Bin Samad. Mehedi Bin Samad was the Best Speaker of the Final.
Noted achievements of this tournament-
1) For the first time in the history of Bangladeshi Debating, ALL for teams in the Final were from same university. The tournament saw an ALL NSU Final.
2) Runner Up team consisted of Jasia Haider and Naveed Adnan
3) 2nd Runner Up team consisted of Syed Iftekhar Towheed and Saad Bin Amzad
4) 3rd Runner Up team consisted of Faria Ahmed Zaara and Kaisar Kabir
- Champion, SSD-TECH BUETDC National Debate Championship, Team Consisted of Syed Iftekhar Towheed and Saad Bin Amzad. Syed Iftekhar Towheed & Saad Bin Amzad were joint Best Speakers of the Tournament
- Champion, Dristy Inter-University Debate Tournament. Team consisted of Syed Iftekhar Towheed and Kaisar Kabir. Kaisar Kabir was the Best Speaker of the Final.
- Champion, IDB Debate Championship 2011 (Bangla). NSU won a Bengali trophy after 3 years. The team consisted of Naveed Adnan, Aumit Rayhan & Nasir Uddin
- Champion, TIB National Debate Championship 2011 (Bangla). The glory streak continued for Aumit Rayhan when he won the TIB Debate Championship. This was an individual debate tournament.
- Champion, ATN Bangla Debate Championship 2011 (Bangla). This heavily competitive and reputed tournament ran for a year and NSU team defeated 6 of the most prestigious Bengali debate teams of Bangladesh to reach to the Finals. The Champion team consisted of Aumit Rayhan, Syed Iftekhar Towheed & Nasir Uddin
- Champion, IUB Nationals Debating Tournament 2011. Champion team consisted of Nabil Azad Chowdhury, Jasia Haidar & Naveed M Adnan. The Runner Up team was also from NSU, consisting Faria Ahmed Zaara, Kaisar Kabir and Adnan Javed. Kaisar Kabir was the Best Speaker of the Final.
- Champion, East West University Debating Spree 2011. Champion team consisted of Saad Bin Amjad and Kaisar Kabir. The other NSU team in the Final was Mubarrat Wassey and Naveed M Adnan. This was the FIRST time NSU won the ENGLISH version of EWU tournament.
- Champion, Drishty Debating Championship 2012. The team consisted of Syed Iftekhar Towheed and Naveed M Adnan. This was the first time any Bangladeshi University successfully defended a local trophy 3 years in a row. Syed Iftekhar Towheed was part of all three winning teams in 2010, 2011 and 2012.